Invited speakers
Paolo Balboni
Honorary Professor, Senior Researcher
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Professor of Educational Linguistics in Venice since 1984 (except three years at the University for Foreigners in Siena), he worked also as Dean, Head of Department, of Language Centres, of Research Centres and as president of the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (2016-2018). In 2018 he retired and is now Senior Reseacher at Venice University.
Monica Barni
Full Professor
Sapienza University of Rome
Monica Barni is a Full Professor of Educational Linguistics at Sapienza Università di Roma. Her research interests include the teaching, learning and assessment of languages, with a particular focus on Italian as an additional language in Italy, as a heritage and foreign language in other countries. She also examines the impact of national and European language policies on society and education.
Bessie Dendrinos
Matteo Santipolo
Professor Emerita
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
President of the European organization European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism
Bessie Dendrinos is Professor Emerita and Director of the Research Institute for Multilingualism and Language Policy, NKUA. She is Chair of the Central Examination Board for the national foreign language exams in Greece, and president of the European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism. Her recent publications include The Politics of Foreign Language Policies, Teaching and Testing, Pedio publishers, 2020, and the volume she edited entitled Mediation as Negotiation of Meanings, Plurilingualism and Language Education, Routledge, 2024.
Full Professor
University of Padua
Matteo Santipolo is Full Professor of Educational Linguistics at the University of Padua where he also teaches Sociolinguistics, Didactics of Italian L2, Early Bilingualism and Legal English He is currently President of DILLE. Italian Society of Language Didactics and Educational Linguistics. Author of over 150 scientific publications, he has held conferences and seminars in over 50 countries and has been a visiting professor at 8 universities worldwide. He mainly deals with modern language didactics, didactics of sociolinguistic aspects in foreign languages, plurilingualism, sociolinguistics and language policy.
Cloud Architect
Fabrizio Lobasso
Plenipotentiary Minister
Deputy Director General for the promotion of Italy
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Experienced Diplomat, PhD in Political Sciences and since 2014 Adjunct Professor of Intercultural Diplomacy (UNINT Rome), with a demonstrated history of working in the international relations, political sciences and higher education industry.
Skilled in Foreign Affairs, Politics, Policy Analysis, Public Policy, Media and Communication, Leadership Negotiation, Mediation, Conflict Management and Public Speaking.
Harvard Kennedy School (public leadership executive certificate), Geneve Center for Security Policy (radicalism, violent extremism master), Univ. LUISS (corporate law master ), SIOI (diplomatic studies master) alumnus
Visiting Professor at El Nilein University (Khartoum - Sudan