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Call for papers


Those interested in submitting a paper are invited to submit a summary in Italian or English of 300 to 500 words, excluding bibliography, by 13 October 2024. The text of the summary, accompanied by bibliography and any figures, must not exceed 2 A4 pages.

The abstracts, in Word format and anonymously, must be submitted electronically through the appropriate platform . The contributions will be selected for oral or poster presentation following double blind peer review. It is however possible to indicate your preference when submitting the proposals.

Any proposals for publication in the conference proceedings must be received by April 30, 2025. Please note that acceptance of the abstract at the conference does not necessarily imply publication of the contribution in the conference proceedings.

Further details regarding the publication of the volume will be communicated later.


Presentations of the works


Each oral presentation, in .ppt or .pdf format, will last 15 minutes, followed by a short discussion (5 minutes). Posters must be printed in A0 format (841 mm-1189 mm) and vertical orientation.

The languages of the conference are Italian and English. It is suggested that posters and slide content be written in English to facilitate full participation in the discussion by non-Italian speaking participants.

Participants can present their papers either in person or online.


Guidelines for Poster Presentations

The posters should have dimensions of 122 cm (width) x 92 cm (height).

The technical specifications for the posters are as follows:

  • Font: Times New Roman

  • Title: Bold, font size 86 pt.

  • Author's Name: Font size 64 pt.

  • Title/Position: Font size 64 pt.

  • Main Text: Font size 44 pt.

  • References: Font size 30 pt.

  • It is recommended to avoid continuous use of uppercase letters.

  • Use bullet points wherever possible instead of paragraphs.

  • Prefer italics over underlining.

  • The use of tables, diagrams, graphs, photos, images, etc., is recommended where feasible.

Suggested structure for the posters:

  • Introduction

  • Purpose

  • Methodology

  • Results

  • Conclusions

  • References

The posters will be displayed in a specially designated area according to the Conference schedule.

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